Woman Issues – Dad, stop reading

I ended the night crying on the floor in pain.

Why?  Because I’m a woman.

(Seriously Dad, you’ll regret reading this.)

I’m not going to go on and talk about how our monthly cycle (Haha!  Now my Dad has stopped reading I’m sure!) is this empowering beautiful thing because it’s not!  It’s a painful gross gross thing!!!!!  I mean, who DOES that?  (Yes, females, thanks Sherlock.)  But I mean WHY?  (Again, thanks, but I DID take Biology in middle school.)  Couldn’t we have had another option?

I spent most of the day wondering how I was going to get to the kitchen to eat.  Moving was like, the hardest thing to do.  Ugh…  Usually I try to get some exercise.  (In a sarcastic tone), “Because exercise is good and it will help the pain!”  Yesterday though, walking to the kitchen pushed my limit.  Dance rehearsal was a joke and I was supposed to teach!  Most of the rehearsal I stared into space, crouched down, and held my uterus.  (Hehe!  Another word for Dad in case he was still reading.)  Everyone else took over.

During the day, I researched ways to get the pain to go away naturally.  Usually diet can help lots of body issues.  (Uggggh, I can hear it now in her chipper voice… “Your monthly cycle is not a body issue.”  NO Annoying lady!  Maybe YOUR monthly cycle isn’t!  MINE IS!!!  Mine throws me on the ground and leaves me useless for a day and a half!  EVERY MONTH!!!!!!   ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!)  Anyway, from what I read, getting lots of vitamins and iron is good for you.  Duh.  Also, eliminating meat, eggs, and dairy dropped pain in most of the study participants.  (No I don’t have the links for you.  I was lying in the bathroom floor when I looked this up.  Saving the link to quote was NOT my number one priority.)  I did read multiple studies about this though when I searched “Foods to help with menstrual pain” so I’ll take that for now.  One study said to eliminate fatty foods such as donuts and peanut butter.  (Study say whaaat about peanut butter!  I love that stuff.)  Another said to get my Omega 3s through fish or flax.  Shotty the flax!

So, after a day in the “office”, I learned that… THE INFORMATION TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!!  I’m already like 80% Organic Vegan.  I have flax every day now and minimum of 9 fruits and veggies every day!  Is this just going to be how it is?!?!?  (Enter horror film music here)  Actually, I remember now when I was vegan.  100% vegan.  My cramps were not as bad… (moment of reflection).  Would that help me?  I love cheese now.  I just might try that again though.  By the way, this post is about me and what works for me because it is my blog.  You do what works for you because we are all different.

By the end of the night, I was getting desperate for some cramp relief.  I took Midal in the morning but needed an anti inflammatory for the evening.  I was releasing loads of prostaglandins (produced by the endometrial cells in my uterus) and it was causing inflammation.  (They also get into my bloodstream and cause nastiness out both ends.)  I have to say that HB really is the best guy for me.  As I moaned in the car, he went into the store and found an anti inflammatory for me.  I am so grateful he reads Norwegian.  Had I gone into the store, I would have cried in the “Little Boxes I Don’t Understand” aisle.

I snuggled my uterus heat pack at night (which I blew up in the microwave the next day… oops!) and managed some sleep.  At 5:30 this morning, I was so hungry I was nauseous.  Makes sense, I only had muesli, soup, and a smoothie yesterday.  So I made breakfast and forced myself out the door.  During the day, I thought about all the things I should be eating and what I should avoid but I was really hungry.  I still felt crappy and only went out to pick up HB’s birthday present.

In the end, I thought, screw it, the worst is over.  I need food and that pastry is the ONLY things that looks edible and I want it.  So I ate it.  Why?!?!  Because I’m cranky and I can!


(By the way, that post was written last month.  This month was better.  Not sure why yet but I have been keeping a food and activity journal to figure it out.)

Hi Dad!  (If you’ve made it this far.)